User guide Softidose application
Bluetooth pairing
You only need to do this once. Do not do it if your system is already paired.

Go to the tablet settings.

Select Bluetooth and pair your system.
Password "1234".
Once paired, start the SoftiDose application.
Once the application has started . Go to :
-> Settings -> Modules -> Access code: contact us
The page above appears.
Click on "Search for BT 1 device".
Wait for the hourglass to turn.
Once finished, select your device from the list.
Wait until you see a message telling you that you're paired.
Leave "unused" ticked and number of rows at "0".
This option is only used for grain sensors.
Now return to the start-up window to connect.
To connect, check that your Bluetooth is switched on.
Once you've launched the application, you'll be taken to the page above.
To launch the connection, either click on "Work screen", or slide the window to the right.
Once the connection has been established, you'll see the work screen displayed with your values.
The name of your product or machine used (indicated in the "Seed types" table) will be displayed above the target "Quantity/Ha" insert.
If the connection ever breaks you will return to the "Seeder Settings" start window.
Possible causes :
- System not powered
- Faulty three-pin plug
- Distance too long
- Bluetooth off
- Tablet in airplane mode
Seed drill setting
You must be logged in for the settings to take effect.
Type of seed
In this window you can enter the number of Products/Uses you want.
Each product/application has its own target quantity per hectare, calibration setting and working width.
- Use the "+" button to create a new line.
- Select the one you want, then activate it by clicking on the arrow.
- Select and modify by clicking on the sheet with the blue pencil.
- Select and delete by clicking on the recycle garbage can.
Cruising speed
Indicate your cruising speed.
This speed will be used as soon as you activate forced travel.
It will also be used if your GPS speed is lost.
You can change it at any time.
"Forced operation" is a timer that starts as soon as forced operation is activated.
It stops by itself once the time (in sec) has elapsed.
- Start your calibration.
- Stop your calibration whenever you like.
- Indicate the quantity found .
- Confirm to calculate Grams/Turns.
- Confirm for good the Grams/turn found or modified manually.
Seed drill
Enter the working width of your machine here.
For information: Your control range is from "0" (Off) to "255" (Full power).
With Val mini and Val Maxi, you set the working range that your control can perform.
Val test can be used to test at desired values.
Don't touch it when you need to.
No regulation
Allows you to fine-tune the acceleration and deceleration amplitude of your control.
Access code: contact us
Normally already pre-configured.
Without encoder
Not currently in use.
Activate/deactivate your tank bottom sensor.
The rest of the settings are specific. Do not modify.
Choose the language you need.
It will be automatically activated each time the application is launched.
Module settings
Allows you to pair your controller.
See Pairing.
Working screen
Now you're ready to work.
Here you'll find all the information you need for your regulation.
Activate your system in the bottom right-hand corner.
It is advisable to deactivate it once your plot is complete.
Click on the "Quantity/Ha" figure to indicate your target quantity.
Once validated, you can modify it by +10% or -10% live.
Click on the number to reset the starting quantity.
Enter your theoretical quantity once you have filled up. It will be automatically deducted.
You can also start from zero, in which case the quantity spread will be displayed.
By clicking on the area counter, you can reset them to zero or change the value.